
Here on aniSearch the term “Movies” or “Live-Action” refers to any kind of film or TV production featuring real, non-animated actors. For our database, however, we only consider film and TV productions from Southeast Asia and East Asia and this includes adaptations of popular anime or manga series into the live-action format.

Live-Action Screenshots

New Releases: Live-Action

This page lists the most recent live-action releases. In the overview you can set various filters to make your search for any product more specific.

Recently Added Live-Action Streams

A list of streams that have been entered into the database. Note that we only provide links to legal streaming services.

Trending Live-Action

A list of the recently most-viewed live-action pages. This overview shows you what the majority of our members is currently most interested in.

Popular Live-Action

A list of the recently most-rated live-action. This overview shows you what the majority of our members is currently watching.

Recently Added Live-Action Trailer

A list of Trailer that have been entered into the database. Note that we only provide links to legal streaming services.



Here are the most popular live-action are listed by rank. The rank of a live-action is defined by its overall rating and the total number of ratings.

Recently Added Live-Action

This page shows live-action in the order in which they were entered into our database.

Live-Action that were recently rated

A list of live-action that were recently rated by members of our community.

Favourite Live-Action Genres

With there being myriad different Asian films and TV series to choose from, and as varied as they are, as diverse are the tastes of our members. To nonetheless provide a general overview on which genres are most popular among our community, this page lists our members’ top ten favourite genres. Clicking on one of the genres will take you to a list of relevant titles—do take a look, if you’re so inclined!